Six Tips When Buying Consumer Electronics

You’re likely to receive or buy a gadget during the holiday season. Consumer electronics are always a popular gift in December. However, the rush to buy the latest gadget can make people forget about the bigger picture.

Since 1996, I have covered video games and gadgets for CNBC. Over the years, I have learned some simple tricks to make the process of shopping for electronics and owning the devices a little more enjoyable.

I’d like to share some of my favorite holiday tips with you in order to make your vacations a bit less stressful.

  • Smartphone equals smart shopper Comparing items online is a thing of the past. It’s also inconvenient if you find the item at the store, and it happens to be the last on the shelf. You have to make a decision fast–and even if you don’t feel that pressure to buy immediately–remembering the exact model number and manufacturer until you get home to fire up Google is a pain. Smartphone users can now compare prices instantly, both for local and online shops.

If you have an iPhone, you should download RedLaser. Android users will benefit from Barcode Scanning. You can compare the price with that of other retailers in either case to determine if you are getting a great deal.

You can also check reviews for the product to determine if it is as good as the item looks in the store.

  • Should you ship or shlep your order? Delivery charges can be an unnecessary cost for people who are not purchasing a bedroom or sofa set. It may be easy to fit a plasma television into the bed of your SUV, but it doesn’t make it a good idea.

Know your limits before you buy something large. Even though today’s TVs are thin, they can still weigh up to 100 pounds. Will you require assistance to get the item in? Even if it can be brought into your home, will you need help hanging the item? Pay the fee to avoid the hassle.

Another important reason is to pay for delivery. It’s easier to conceal an iPod than a television. You can often schedule the delivery to be made immediately after the holiday, or, if lucky, even the night before.

  • Turn on and walk away If you have any problems with the consumer electronics you bought, it will usually happen within 48 hours. Turning on the equipment and leaving it on for 48 hours is the best way to stress-test it.

After a few days, turn off the computer and let it cool for as long (a whole day is ideal). You won’t have any problems with it for a while if it boots up well at that time. If it does not, your warranty is still valid.

  • Ask for help There is no man or woman on an island. Don’t hesitate to contact the manufacturer’s support team if something isn’t working as it should. You might be able solve the problem on your own, but is it worth the frustration, time and possible additional damage?

It’s not always pleasant to talk to tech support. You may feel as if you are being treated like a child, but it is often the fastest way to solve the issue.

  • Plan for the long term This is not always possible, but try to plan where you’ll put your electronics before you buy. Think about how much heat and natural light the device will receive in the summer. Also, how much airflow will it have every day (the better).

While it’s tempting to just play with your new gadget, you should also consider how easy or hard it will be for you to dust and clean the gadget. Consumer electronics are often plagued by dust.

  • Want to buy a TV? Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving and offers a lot of great deals on LCD or plasma TVs on EDC. Shoppers rush to the stores in order to get one. The sets are not defective, but they’re usually not the top-of-the-line models from the manufacturers.

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